P o r t f o l i o s

I'm a freelance photographer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. This site features a selection of my work. Grab a chair and stay a while...

a little ABOUT me
I'm a freelance photographer / visual artist based in Edinburgh, Scotland. I produce work for clients in the music and publishing industries. Both digital and traditional film production techniques are used in my work - vintage cameras, digital sensors, darkrooms, computer screens....
I try to convey a dark beauty within the subjects I photograph drawing influences from the Highland landscapes and heritage I grew up amongst.
Music and travel are two things that hold prominence in my life (both together, even better). I prefer coffee over tea, mountains over beaches and a cosy pub over a trendy bar anyday.
I hold a BA(Hons) degree in Photography, Film and Imaging.
If you like what you see here on my website I hope we can talk some more!
My work has appeared in The Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Scotsman, The Press and Journal, Celtic Connections Festival, EIFF, Living Tradition Magazine, Froots Magazine, The Scots Magazine, I-on Magazine, Edinburgh Fringe Festival and many more...
Please get in touch if you have anything you'd like to ask me about.
Clients include Red Bull, University of the Highlands & Islands, Greentrax Records, Fellside Records, Peatbog Faeries, Salsa Celtica, Sylvain Barou, Old Blind Dogs, Daimh, Coda Music, Breabach, Blazing Fiddles, Graeme Stephen Sextet, The Edinburgh Quartet, Aberfeldy, Bruce MacGregor, Rob Heron & the Tea Pad Orchestra, North Atlantic Trio, BBC Scotland, Sketch, Dallahan, Fraser Fifield, Sandy Brechin, Fribo, BAR Records, Salthouse, Dante, Joy Dunlop, Sarah Hayes (Admiral Fallow), Matheu Watson, Cheyenne Brown, The Lauren MacColl Trio, The Outside Track, Ailie Robertson, Rachel & Lillias, Wendy MacIsaac, The Guidewires, Paul Chamberlain, Jenna Reid, Kathleen MacInnes...