“On the sixth day, God accomplished His work and, pleased with all the beauty he had created, he took the Earth in His hands and kissed it. There, where He put His lips, that’s Sicily”
Ragusa Ibla from Ragusa Superiore
Exploring the Val di Noto
In 1693, a great earthquake destroyed at least forty-five towns and cities in the Val di Noto region of South-Eastern Sicily. It is said that up to 60,000 people died as a result of this earthquake. Their rebuilding has been described as the 'final flowering' of Baroque art in Europe. The Baroque towns of Catania, Modica, Noto, Palazzolo, Ragusa and Scicli in the south-east are stunning and remain an enduring testament to this particular style of architecture.
I spent my last few days in this, slightly off the beaten track, part of the island exploring these Baroque towns and the coastal areas that surround them. Featured here are the last set of images from my Sicily trip.
Towards the Coast
All images in this blog post were taken with a Fujifilm X100T camera
Into Baroque & the Val di Noto region of South-Western Sicily - Modica, Noto, Palazzolo, Ragusa, Scicli,,,